lies! and blasphmey!

it was an amazing day that angels sang songs all day

and god was happy and shed tears of joy

all on sangs happpy burthday!!!!!!1
^ Spelling Fail.
Check. great to see 2 other members on today!
Wanna COOKIE? Didn't think so! =]
For cheap item look at my shop "Crazy deals"
Possible new recruit, etc. etc.

on the subject of deleted posts etc.
I merged every thread that wasn't stickied into one thread, but it merged with threads that were deleted, and it deleted all of the threads, and so everyone had like, 500 posts. I fixed it though.
hopped by, i hope to find this guy ingame before you whores accept him without me knowing.

Also, new game, Logics. I'll start

*if there is no spoon
*then how will people eat ice cream?
*well they cant
*means, ice cream wouldn't be sold
*ergo, never invented
*that's why, there is no ice cream
*and then again
*you need a spoon to eat it
*then, the cake is a lie
*and forget about tea or coffee
*no tea, then japanese people lie
*if japanese people lie, that means they don't have technology
*if they don't have technology and they're the people with highest technology in earth
*that means there is no technology
*wich means we are yet in the stone age

Conclusion: Spoons saved us
Last edited by Sangriento; Apr 12, 2010 at 06:40 AM.
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
You can eat cake with a fork and stir tea/coffee with a stick.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol