blu: its nice, but grab dms ..... it wasnt quite a long replay but ok. 6.5/10
supernova: grabdms again. it was kinda fluent but im sure there couldve been more in this replay, at least a decap or something. 6/10
haze: grabdms. it was quite nice, much blood i like to see, although there were just single dms... only one double dm.. 7/10
semnadaprafazer: >.< this was stiffness extreme, also grabdms 5/10
neon: O..O omgwtf this 5 dm kick was soooooooo sexy, i got orgasm ~.~ 9/10
sasasa: i cant rate a mp replay but it was quite kickass u and tryton decaped each other ^^
aura decap: that one was fluent and quite nice for a splitcap. 8/10
again i have to advice our new ones to
rate and comment the replay above you!
also me again...
took a little replay break, you know, school and stuff....
now rate and comment or a huge silverspoon comes and eats you.