View Poll Results: Which of Nikag's text effect should we use for the video?
Option 1 (itsbruce)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 2 (dagreja)
2 Votes / 11.11%
Option 3 (theultimatum)
14 Votes / 77.78%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

Poppo, yeah you can ask dag. I won them all. For some reason, the rest of us were having a bad day XD. So 2 yes's and a myabe for fast correct? Also remmember: Tourny in 5 hrs 24 mins.

EDIT: /jo Fyre. :3

EDIT2: Nvm gtg :/
Last edited by theultimatum; Oct 30, 2011 at 05:41 PM.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Originally Posted by Njme1 View Post
Hey, Hlmaster can you work on mine?

Anything else?
Poppo,i need to talk to you on the irc.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥
guys.. just got home rom party... and i wil more than probably notbe on today. i will try to post though!! im too hungover to actually play though. just saying. if i feel better later i will. <3
hlmaster, just saying, that userbar reminds me of gay Xbox360, but it looks awesome.
and ulti, amazing job on the wars. can i see some replays?
i like cats
-Zone Says
Fyre Members , /jo zonewar To War Vs Us.
Make It?
Bruce, go back a few pages to see the replays from yesterday. I dont know if ulti has any posted from the wars but ulti and i both posted some good replays.
Ulti, what tourney are you talking about? Are we hosting one or something?
EDIT: Nico, i dont think we have enough people online to war right now.
HL, THC needs a userbar now too.