inactive as fuck, got lazy, made my best attempt at a tricking replay
Attached Files
#Plata_Flash v5.rpl (172.8 KB, 13 views)
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Sup :p
Was a while since I uploaded some replays here. Here's two recent spars I'm happy with.
I don't need any cnc, if you really do feel like it though do check my sig :>
Half past twelve and school tomorrow, fux.

About your replay @Paltabro: It was really nice, even though you lose momentum at some points for a bit long. Don't get me wrong, it happens but it seems like you could be more efficient when gaining new momentum after a previous spin. You've improved a lot though :)
Attached Files
Spar Tyzi Nopeeeeee.rpl (980.6 KB, 9 views)
Spar Detacher AqDqDq.rpl (876.4 KB, 8 views)
PM me with any and all questions
The opener was good but dont know why you use so much grab. You could do that first kick without grab, would look better.
When i have saw this mod I need to do something on it, so I made a quick parkour.
Attached Files
Crocap_morfijum.rpl (336.8 KB, 6 views)
xy_lavabridge.tbm (18.3 KB, 5 views)
Originally Posted by Crocap View Post
When i have saw this mod I need to do something on it, so I made a quick parkour.

Nice work Cro ^^ I like the way you roam around in your parkour replays. I can't explain why but the path you tend to choose feels slightly unique.

Pretty happy about this spar with Fatulbrown. Opinions are awesome <3
Attached Files
Spar Fatulbrown Shshsha.rpl (844.8 KB, 7 views)
PM me with any and all questions
Well after a long break to uploading my useless shit here i do it again.

=) hope enjoy
Attached Files
W_Spar_chaz v jet 2.6.rpl (583.7 KB, 9 views)
new_spar_xioi w chaz 2.0.rpl (440.6 KB, 11 views)