Welcome back man
And guys please discuss stuff that doesnt need to be discussed here in irc or by pm

And next time someone needs to be kicked or something dicuss it with the higher ranks first if they all want it
Cause if you start kicking people you dont like then people who do like then will quit to etc.
Last edited by BankHero; Jun 6, 2012 at 04:36 PM.
My art shop pm m or post in the thread if interested:
Hamza, Kick Twisted (me) And promote me to Co-leader. I wont want to have to relog just to talk formally o the forums.
<Shmevin> This is starting to bug me... May I get a verdict please? <@SkulFuk> verdict: you're both bitch faggots
Oofun, no offense but fail :/ Angelic is Twisted and was Co-Leader WAAAAAY before you came here. Plus, HE is a SHE
I'm a nobody, and nobody's perfect. I am the definition of perfection.
It's fine. My posts go deleted so that's why you most likely assumed.
<Shmevin> This is starting to bug me... May I get a verdict please? <@SkulFuk> verdict: you're both bitch faggots
Lol. And Oofun, try to refrain the swearing. Please. We don't want an awesome person to come in here, hear us and think we're on crack now do we?
I'm a nobody, and nobody's perfect. I am the definition of perfection.
hmmmm that explains it angelic and twisted has almost the same avvi
anyway, hey Psy
Last edited by Mage; Jun 6, 2012 at 07:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Master of the arcane arts