Christmas Lottery

shit comic

In 2016, I'm no longer a member of toribash forum. The ex-administration (who's permbanned now) used to power abuse and opposed to me, and we are unable to reach a compromise. I am morally prohibited from staying here. I might still posting around on my friend or clan threads sometimes but not much. Goodbye.
Hello all , my name is Xson " Im sure most of the members of this know me Although im sure many of you do not .

So Lets Begin my personality can be explained as flamboyant , and very spontaneous . Im 16 I love baseball and I love toribash . You might find that my imagination will sometimes run wild and my trolling could get a little extreme but trust me you will get use to it and I will indeed make you pee your pants with laughter. I love keeping people happy because i mean , who wants to be sad all the time ? Lindzee has experienced first hand how at first i might seem bad but I only get better with time .

Next I would like to share my life outside toribash , im dedicated to anything and everything i do , including baseball [Which one day I shall go professional] Toribash [which isn't a sport , its more of a hobby] , and last but not least goofing off [you shall learn soon enough] .

This app may seem to go on forever but i was told the longer the better ,
My rank in toribash is on and off because i have my days were i just suck , but there are those days were you will see me beat some of toribash's finest [Nuthug, Firebolty , etc]
Im a 2nd dan black belt that will indeed whip your arse : D. i just started learning how to replay make , but i still have room for improvement .

You may not know me but i've been in toribash community for a pretty long time Clans i have been through included Bleu [which was more of a school than a clan] -RAGE [ which was also lead by Simon in his old name Ownya] Parrot [which i went too for the simple fact they needed help and once they recovered i left] And Prophecy [which I joined because I was going to join Syn with Simon but I didn't make my application good enough]

Now I hope I didnt make you guys fall asleep because that would ruin my day lel , My Irc activity is second only to MocroGunz himself , My in game is also fairly high . Unfortanately i am a teenager so I do have my studies and baseball that i must attend to but since i have a laptop for Christmas i shall be on as much as physically possible .

Uhh , i cant think of anything else to possibly write , but if i am missing something please be quick to tell me and i will start over O : . Hope you enjoyed me writing this long dragged on turd sandwich of an app enjoy....Bish : P
if those things were true i'd say yes, but ive never once seen you ingame on irc on the forums or anywhere else for that matter.

resounding no whoru