You want me to come closer volare? oh thats just nasty
Also, we are awaiting you master arapoop, find us in the IRCfezes are cool
Lucky :f and nah, midwinter break.
Same applies to you though, why are you on the forums in class?
No special welcome to Thig and Gargon? I see how it is, Neo.
I'm rarely in-game, I'm more of a forum person.
Well if you ever have the time, stop by skype. We have fun there.
also i'm drinking coffee
tomorrow we get out at 10:40 so i'm pretty happy
i know no one cares but uh, i'm almost 99 firemaking on runscape
beat that qB^) 1mil xp to go
ps i'm doing good landen thanks for asking
I got school to D:
Well at least I have time to post at all.
Luckily, the day after tomorrow I have school out early, and the day after that I have no school.