yus i know kennen, i used to main him.
ok my good ol' build (anyone rages immapimp slap your ass to egypt)
start boots 3 pots
amp tome into akage pick (for the early game ap + gp5 helps buildquicker)
hextech revolver
sorc boots
Will ofthe Ancients
whichever of the 2 items you didnt get before (rabadons/Zhonyas)
whatever suits your fancy, i normally get a void staff here.
my skill order is q-e-w-q-q-r-e-w-q-e-r-q-e-w-e-r-w-w
mainly you just gotta land skill shots, use e to rush through, ult, zhonya, w to help stuns, q if they start to escape and blah blah.