For the lolz:
A girl was trying to explain how hard it is to be moderator on a forum.
Alex$: cute
#Laura: but being a mod is not about being cool
#Laura: what if some guy called 'Diamond' posts gifs of women giving blowjobs on my profile >_>
#Laura: it shucks
#Laura: and he made like 20 thread with those images
#Laura: had to delete them with other mod
$Alex$: BAN HIM.
#Laura: we couldnt..
#Laura: we could only give him warning >_>
$Alex$: lol.
#Laura: but he got banned by head moderator
#Laura: after a while
$Alex$: hehe
$Alex$: did he fire his LAZORZ!?
$Alex$: xD
#Laura: yup..