Ripper oh i have load's of proof to fill your mouth, and i aint a power abousing 10 year old, it's just that people like you piss me off all the time, oh and you didn't awnser why you called me a dick.
Oh well ill be back by tonight. Thanks though, now go back to grade school. Some proof.
Hmm, pretty sure the leader will. He even said "sorry kill's being an ass" last night. So, dude im over it. And im done arguing with you and spamming these threads. If you are in fact 17, act your age, and learn some damn grammar. More proof
You know what killtime, fuck off. Go have little dick syndrome somewhere else, i had an opinion and im entitled to one. You are not the leader of this clan, and i hope to god you never are. More proof happy now?
Last edited by killtime12; Dec 13, 2012 at 09:27 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump