Sorry for not rating you all...
Koven: Lovely kick and punch, the madman i did not like though. Replace that madman please.
aarraha: If you just show me madmans i will have no idea if you are good at anything else. The madmans were very good though i want to see what else you can do.
Larfen: Oh my you have gotten better. Its nice to see that you can do other things then just madmans and decaps and stuff. You are not in yet. But do try again.
Ardgevald: The madman was a bit too stiff. And the kick decap was lame. The punch was ok but nothing special. No.
Nuramon: Nothing special im afraid.
Snakeyes: This is a really tough decision but you seem to have a lot of potential. And you've tried and tried and tried and i really think you deserve a place in ORMO. Congratulations, choose a title.
Last edited by Splinter; Aug 21, 2009 at 04:58 PM.