Played one game as him, his axes go ridiculously far if you so much as take a step forward.

However, his Q gives bonus 85% ad on the hit, plus the passive, so it seems worth it.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I need somebody that knows what they're talking about to suggest me top lanes to learn. My team and I have a competition on the 23rd. So far I can play Irelia, Lee Sin, Kennen, Teemo, Cho'gath, Vlad, and Jarvan very reliably. I can play Shen, Riven, and Warwick if I had to, though I'd rather not.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
You pretty much named all the good top laners though.

Who else goes top? Olaf and Malphite?

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Some ranged AD can function as a top.

Fizz. Darius. Swain. Jax. Rumble. Morde. Kass. Naut. Panth. Renek. Shyv. Udyr. Sion. Trynd. Wukong. Yorick. Kayle. Nid. Talon.

That enough?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
I need somebody that knows what they're talking about to suggest me top lanes to learn. My team and I have a competition on the 23rd. So far I can play Irelia, Lee Sin, Kennen, Teemo, Cho'gath, Vlad, and Jarvan very reliably. I can play Shen, Riven, and Warwick if I had to, though I'd rather not.

That looks like a good amount really. I'd learn Olaf though, he's real strong.
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
I need somebody that knows what they're talking about to suggest me top lanes to learn. My team and I have a competition on the 23rd. So far I can play Irelia, Lee Sin, Kennen, Teemo, Cho'gath, Vlad, and Jarvan very reliably. I can play Shen, Riven, and Warwick if I had to, though I'd rather not.

Trundle works great against Garen, Riven etc.
AP Yi is ridiculously fun
A penta and two quadra's
Healing double my health with meditate...
Halfhealthing people, then cooldowns reset when i get a kill, DELICIOUS ALPHA!