Hey I support Maos as co-ldr too.
Also we must test recruitments in game and there must be ranks but like this:
1) iCoF-LDR (same as co-ldr)
2) iCoF-GEN or iCoF-MAJ (general or major for the peoples who 's over 10th dan)
3) iCoF-CPL (corporal rank for the people who is over 2th dan [2th dan allowed])
4) iCoF (basic rank for the people who is over blackbelt but lower than 2th dan)
5) iCoF-APP (apprentice rank for the people who is under blackbelt)
only iCoF-GEN and upper ranks can recruits. Others can just suggest.
I hope iCoF gonna awake. Da' Beast Awakes...
P.S : What's that Riot Squad =?