"If I had to name 10 people unfitting to be leaders, at least 2 of them would've been there.
ToriDeath and Coreyp008 have the same "template" - kids who act like complete morons. ToriDeath has 4 pages of infractions (obvious sign of being a blockhead), and Coreyp008 is always a moron to people in-game... if I'm correct, he was also harassing the Boxing League's IRC channel earlier, and I had to get him out.
nathandude... well... he's leadership material, in my opinion, but having 2 blockheads as co-leaders doesn't really contribute to his image.
Plus, it looks like they're accepting everyone who has a brain.
(Take to note I always start criticizing the leaders, because I find it an ideal way to start. Sure, idiots also need clans, but clans led by idiots go nowhere.)"
Quoted directly from the clan council