Christmas Lottery

"If I had to name 10 people unfitting to be leaders, at least 2 of them would've been there.

ToriDeath and Coreyp008 have the same "template" - kids who act like complete morons. ToriDeath has 4 pages of infractions (obvious sign of being a blockhead), and Coreyp008 is always a moron to people in-game... if I'm correct, he was also harassing the Boxing League's IRC channel earlier, and I had to get him out.

nathandude... well... he's leadership material, in my opinion, but having 2 blockheads as co-leaders doesn't really contribute to his image.

Plus, it looks like they're accepting everyone who has a brain.


(Take to note I always start criticizing the leaders, because I find it an ideal way to start. Sure, idiots also need clans, but clans led by idiots go nowhere.)"

Quoted directly from the clan council
T1cux: clan have eggs.
I am no longer co?

[BISH] | [TRG] | [Clanless] | [LLAMA] | [WL] | [SS]
.:: Azir Signature And Avvy Shop::.
Shook Made Dis ^]
-_- They haven't decided yet. ToriDeath you're still co leader. That was a quote from the clan council talking about us
T1cux: clan have eggs.
I have confided in some of my wiser friends...They have helped me to come to a conclusion.

EmoKid, please leave this clan, you're bringing it down and your ill tempered attitude is not wanted. ToriDeath, I don't wish to kick you, but I want to demote you. Corey, if you will let me demote you and not explode, so be it. ToriDeath, if you are not happy with your demotion, sorry, but, cya.
T1cux: clan have eggs.