Well guys, i had holiday, and i school again at monday so i could be busyer now =(
But i will try to post something "Im here =)" if not, remember i will TRY it ;-)
So dont kick me for inativity Saint, ONLY if i dont post anythink in 1month or longer
well sorry i did take long to post my eg of my images i done and do
so saint can i join now and here is one of my pics its gonna be my new banner
Hey guys, just giving you all an update, i will be party hard tonight, then driving back home tomorrow, around lunch time, so i will be back on tomorrow night xD have fun guys, dont miss me too much :P
nadhif,had a really good idea.when we are official our auto tag should be [AoD] instead of [DEMONIC] .aod sounds hella cool
ya ima go with swyne on this AoD is a pretty cool tag. if that wuz it i'd be happy