The Wushu Trainers
We are a group of people that help anyone with mastering the amazing mod of wushu. We are the best of the best, and want to help you get better at wushu. We want you to excel in the tactic of aikido, that is why we have play it on a daily basis, and are here to help you. We work for free, we consider helping an important thing, not something stamped with a price tag. We will take time out of our day to teach you basic and advanced tips in the art of wushu. There are alot of uninformed toribash players that do moves step by step. Our goal here is to teach you how to one joint effects another, how gravity impacts tactic and certain situations. We want you to be the best of the best aswell, so you can continue to prosper as a well known wushu player.
What do you guys do?
We help players learn the mod of wushu, and the basics of it.
We can further experience players.
How do I become a trainer?
Everyone that joins can be a trainer. We all give each other advice and tips.
Class of '09
Welcome students and trainers! Here is the official list of players that will be here participating in the group. This list may change over time due to experience and the need to change players from Trainer spots to Student spots or vise-versa.
How do I choose?
Simply state which one you want to go under, you can go under both if you like. We can move you if we feel the need you need to be moved. You cannot state you want to be in the leaders section.
Please join us!
The best of the best to give you help, learn new styles, advice, tactics, all sorts of stuff
We are a non-profit (free) help organization.
How about that?
For the Wushu Trainers