We will start the story at the point when the things gone worse for the Toritopia.....
ToriLitle:The sky is falling!!The sky is falling!!
The threating fact is that the sky wasn't falling.The things that were falling from the sky were Possesed ukes.They weren't acting normal,they didn't wait for us to do an opener.
We tried to fight them on foot but it was to use....We could only fight them in our own teritory the SKY.
We won that battle but not the war.While we are fighting Hampa and Veb were watching our little performance.They called Perica.
Veb:We could sure use those pair of wings against HIM....
Hampa:Yes the BLACK DRAGON is back.Perica you and your friend will make a clan.Call it how ever you want...
ragonz, that will be the name..
Hampa: Well then its chosen...The DRAGONZ are now the official "sky police" of the Toritopia.......