View Poll Results: hwo is vexon to you?
vexon is awsome
7 Votes / 87.50%
vexon is cool
2 Votes / 25.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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I have a new IDEA !
hey,all members RAM, why we don't make a official website for RAM ? i mean the title is RAM CLAN OFFICIAL WEBSITE. how about this my idea?

but, i can't make a website. its just my idea for our clan !
ya dint hafta make a thread about it u sholda post it in the suggestions thread and btw lets see what vexon sayes
and yay im the first one to post
When everything fails. [RAM] doesn't .
[Baltic] [RAM] [wushu leguevl2]
vexon459 - Everyday,
-From 11: 30 PM - 2:00 AM and 4-6 PM, GMT -5 US
-Note: these times are only for the weekdays, on weekends I am on pretty much all the time
*barreta comes out of the moon*
*barreta angry*
*barreta smash*
*barreta fails*
*barreta lost the match against the rock*
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.