Current QI (2000 qi. minimum): 5545.
Previous clans (and why you left): YES, left because it's rep was bad and members were too immature.
Favourite/best mod (TK, Wushu, Aikido, etc.): TK is my favourite, haven't played it much in a while. Aikido is my best.
Age: 13.
Previous infractions (be honest): Prepare yourself. (Just copy/paste)
Private 07-13-2009
06:56 PM Expired 2 Useless Post Blam
[Auction] shiny robo... 04-06-2009
02:03 AM Expired 0 Ignoring rules hanz0
Show Yourself 03-30-2009
07:18 PM Expired 0 Insulted Other Member(s) RedDevil
Private 03-03-2009
02:35 PM Expired 2 Ignoring rules hanz0
Profile Infraction 02-02-2009
06:55 AM Expired 4 Blatant Spam siku
Anything else you think is worth mentioning? I have TB Prime, I was the leader of YES, I live in Australia. Uhmm, I'm a WibbleCop. Meaning I know how to occasionally move threads to the Hall of Shame (: Oh, and...I'm a male.
Please post 3 replays that you think will help us review your application. I've added one from SP, and three from MP. Just to be a rebel.
Last edited by Zacsterr; Jul 24, 2009 at 05:50 PM.