I is Ferras. I is mighty. I is joining.
Name (Real name): Benjamin Bjørn Tyge
Gender: Not sure. Btw, is it normal when you wake up with your penis in your vagina?
Age: 15
Gmt: -6, Amherst
Belt: Blue.
Why do you want to join: Ducks. Bioex. Ducks. Boner.
What can you offer? : Funnyness and very goot gramarr. I'm pretty good ingame, and I think I can boost the clan with a lot of activity.
Are you a Virgin?: I'm 15. Yes I am a virgin.My friends started as 13 though. Same with drinking.
What underwear color?: Pink with ducks on.
Invited by some one?: Bioex :o
Special Skill?: I fart a lot. I'm good at drums. I have a special skill in sucking at art.
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: Ok, so there's this duck. It tries to pass the road. Bus incoming. He turns around, and evolves into Bioex, slings out his humngous cock and uses BONER ATTACK on the bus. It's super effective!
Sp/mp replays:
Last edited by Ferras; Sep 15, 2011 at 04:41 AM.