Hello, My name is Gingysvir. I am 15 years old and i play toribash everytime. I am black belt. I was in osiris and blitz but osiris is dead clan and blitz has fallen apart. i want to be in good clan .. I want warring .. i like this. My tb activity is 8/10 and my forum activity is 6/10 in blitz i was recruiter. My favorite mod is aikido and aikidoBigDojo, but mushu boxshu and wushu is ok too
I doing parkour.
Originally Posted by GINGYSVIR View Post
Hello, My name is Gingysvir. I am 15 years old and i play toribash everytime. I am black belt. I was in osiris and blitz but osiris is dead clan and blitz has fallen apart. i want to be in good clan .. I want warring .. i like this. My tb activity is 8/10 and my forum activity is 6/10 in blitz i was recruiter. My favorite mod is aikido and aikidoBigDojo, but mushu boxshu and wushu is ok too
I doing parkour.

It's a NO from me sorry. Your application is very poorly written, also I would need to test you in game.


Originally Posted by GINGYSVIR View Post
Hello, My name is Gingysvir. I am 15 years old and i play toribash everytime. I am black belt. I was in osiris and blitz but osiris is dead clan and blitz has fallen apart. i want to be in good clan .. I want warring .. i like this. My tb activity is 8/10 and my forum activity is 6/10 in blitz i was recruiter. My favorite mod is aikido and aikidoBigDojo, but mushu boxshu and wushu is ok too
I doing parkour.

Hello, my name is Joey and I am 14 (turning 15 Marh 21st) and Im male. I have 700 QI and I am brown belt. I live in the US (EST time). I have been playing Toribash on and off for about 3 years now, maybe even a little longer. I have been in quite a few clans, but none recently as I have just started playing again. I love playing video games especially with friends, which is one of the main reasons I'm looking for an active clan, as you guys also communicate on discord. On a 1-10 scale I would say about a 4 or 5, which isn't very good but I have been wanting to get into the forums a lot more recently. Ingame I know basic knowledge of the game and would rate myself about a 6 or 7, which I could improve on and would love help from fellow clanmates. There's not really any skills I feel particularly good at, which probably isn't the best answer, but I love to play with people. I feel I am most competitive at Aikido and Judo. My discord is XKab#2554. I would post replays, but sadly, I don;t save replays which is kind of a bummer and I should to look back on and see how i can improve. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope I can help improve the clan and community that surrounds it ;)
Gingysvir :NO
no comment
BlackHamma: The app is OK.But I am sorry I dont think you have the qualities to join the clan.So its NO from me.
Last edited by HellHood; Mar 18, 2017 at 02:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
General Information About Myself
I am 13 years old and i am a male, i like to draw, ply basketball and ride my bike around my neighbor hood. I also like to play soccer. My qi is currently 1303 and i am a black belt. I live in America, i don't know how to find my gmt though.

Reason I Was Brought To FC
I want to join fc because i have seen a few members online and i feel as if this clan can make me become a better player in general and give me a bunch of people to talk to. I also want to join fc because i believe i can help you guys/girls in wars, recruitment, tournaments, ect.

My Ingame Information
I would rate my ingame activity a 9 out of 10 because i am ingame everyday for atleast a few hours, i would also rae my fourm activity a 5 out of 10 because i usually browse fourms and check my pms and tht kind of stuff but i usually end up not posting, but i do post in the clan discussion. My past clans have been (satire), (night). And i main almost any aikido varient, and i do have discord and use it everyday (iv joined the clan discord already). I actually dont know anybody from this clan but from what iv seen all of you are nice and i would like to get to know you all.

ps. if you dont like my replays i will be more than willing to take a test ingame because i dont have any other good replays, i forget to save them most of the time.
Originally Posted by Zelp View Post
General Information About Myself
I am 13 years old and i am a male, i like to draw, ply basketball and ride my bike around my neighbor hood. I also like to play soccer. My qi is currently 1303 and i am a black belt. I live in America, i don't know how to find my gmt though.

Reason I Was Brought To FC
I want to join fc because i have seen a few members online and i feel as if this clan can make me become a better player in general and give me a bunch of people to talk to. I also want to join fc because i believe i can help you guys/girls in wars, recruitment, tournaments, ect.

My Ingame Information
I would rate my ingame activity a 9 out of 10 because i am ingame everyday for atleast a few hours, i would also rae my fourm activity a 5 out of 10 because i usually browse fourms and check my pms and tht kind of stuff but i usually end up not posting, but i do post in the clan discussion. My past clans have been (satire), (night). And i main almost any aikido varient, and i do have discord and use it everyday (iv joined the clan discord already). I actually dont know anybody from this clan but from what iv seen all of you are nice and i would like to get to know you all.

ps. if you dont like my replays i will be more than willing to take a test ingame because i dont have any other good replays, i forget to save them most of the time.

I love the app you made some efforts to make it so it's a YES.
Spell checking could be a bit better for example, "i" to "I" but apart from that its YES from me. I'll test you in game so head to our discord page found here
Paedrins Application
Hello, I am Sebastian, 21 years old male from London UK.

I've been playing this game for about 1 Month and a few weeks, currently a brown belt, I have not been in any clans but I would like to finally enter a community.

Outside of toribash I'm working as a .net dev part time and studying computer science full time.

I am not really active on the forums as they keep bugging out for me (the forum does not remember my session and I have to log in again, and again).

I play daily for a few hours, depending on what time I get home from work I can spend 2-5 hours in-game. Usually my play time is around 3 hours tbh.

I can get Discord if it's a requirement

I have been tested by xXOBLIVIONXx and he said I can submit an app here.

I've added the 3 replay requirements to this post, also I added a bonus one that makes me smile every time I watch it.

See you in game
Attached Files
aikido counter weight save.rpl (76.5 KB, 2 views)
headless fighter.rpl (79.8 KB, 2 views)
chobDecap Aikido save.rpl (41.1 KB, 2 views)
handless puncher.rpl (109.5 KB, 2 views)
Paedrin is a good fighter in abd, he will use his weight to benefit his win staying on top of the opponent. Its a YES from me.