Typically, you reap what you sow in League. So if you're paired with sucky teams, chances are its because you yourself aren't that great. The odds of being paired with a bad team is lower than the odds of being paired against a bad team if you're supposedly better than everybody you play against. So if you're constantly on a bad team, it's more likely because you yourself aren't as stellar as you think you are, rather than you have the unfortunate probability of being continuously paired with bad players. And if you are as good as you say, you shouldn't have any trouble winning enough to get yourself out of the sucky elo range.
Also, there's no reason you can't say ass on this forum, so long as it's tasteful. Bleeping it really isn't necessary :/
i have almost 700 take downs and 3000 minions and monster kills and 25 wins i know ive lost about half of those games and i see your point in me being able to take ovr and make up for the teams horrible ness and in my defense i say that i did i could not pull off a win alone due to the turrets coving the nexus because the team would not respond to any pings or any commands saying all top or all mid so i would take top or bottom solo with minions using my r to get passed turrets and i would kill the whole top or bottom side of the turrets and by that time my nexus would be destroyed or they will have surrender voted and won the vote so i have pushed them very far but when the whole team sucks its nearly impossible to win. when they continuosly feed it makes it that much harder. i have no idea why i keep ending up with those teams but i am not bad im not the best but when my team can hold their lane im phenominal, i always average 10+ kills and 1-2 deaths at most due to the fact those games end fairly quickly
oh and im level 11
yea i know watch let me copy paste my match history on here ggive me a second
[ATTACH]Attachment 352382[/ATTACH]
Attachment 352381
Attachment 352383
i have almost 700 take downs and 3000 minions and monster kills and 25 wins i know ive lost about half of those games and i see your point in me being able to take ovr and make up for the teams horrible ness and in my defense i say that i did i could not pull off a win alone due to the turrets coving the nexus because the team would not respond to any pings or any commands saying all top or all mid so i would take top or bottom solo with minions using my r to get passed turrets and i would kill the whole top or bottom side of the turrets and by that time my nexus would be destroyed or they will have surrender voted and won the vote so i have pushed them very far but when the whole team sucks its nearly impossible to win. when they continuosly feed it makes it that much harder. i have no idea why i keep ending up with those teams but i am not bad im not the best but when my team can hold their lane im phenominal, i always average 10+ kills and 1-2 deaths at most due to the fact those games end fairly quickly
oh and im level 11