Honestly our clan is like dying, i have been in-game and on the irc from 2pm and its now 8: 30 and NO [P] member have been on either, what the fuck is this?
♥ mushu♥
I stopped being active, It make no sense.
Done what I could, but didn't help.
Last edited by Atlas; Jan 27, 2012 at 11:17 AM.
Just got home from a check up on mah mouth, it's been 2 weeks since mah surgery and I needed to do this, sorry mist
Guys really I joined this clan because you are a very organised and good clan.We only have a problam with active players.Ingame I see xTheMistx and Katsudon.I dont see anyone else :/
Sorry for not being active
School and my girlfriend are taking all my time
Do you really think you're in control
Well, you guys don't tell me what server you guys are on D:.

And besides, I'm mostly on my RSO thread.
the goblin
Guys I am so sorry but I need to quit.Many members are inactive.You are very organised but the only member I see ingame is xTheMistx or Katsudon.I will allways miss you guys.I made some good friends here.Well good luck on your journay.Would you accept me as single allies.