I finally finished my session at the parkour gym today. Nearly landed a btwist first attempt! I'll keep practicing and get back to you guys on how this goes
yo guys
I've been trying to make art but not like drawings, I'm trying to do Vector stuff like updating our logo or just making one that fits better to our channel but I need help. Overall I just want to give this clan a new look, maybe (I'm planning a lot of drawing stuff too! >:^) )
also editing skills would help since I want our members to use an intro with something Vector related in their edits. Can you imagine Vector logo getting as famous as Koi in editing community? Maybe that'll be possible someday
things like 3Dcough cough hi patrick, photoshop and editing skills are more than welcome. Art skills like drawings too but digital art prefered
anyone who's up for helping just say here and eventually I'll hit you up whenever I need help. Also, obviously, feel free to do stuffs by your own if you want
on a side note: I didn't forget our animation thing Karbn, maybe it looks like I'm coming with a lot of projects and forgetting ours but I'm still practicing and, holy shit that's hard. I'll get there once I'm finished with Fallen and our collab (that is taking a lot of my time OwO)
I would freaking love a logo to do edits with! I don't think it's appropriate to replace the old vector logo for the clan however. It's our old logo, and it's been there for as long as I can remember. Since 2013-2014 I think. I think it's been there since we got official. However, I reeaaallly want a logo for edits!!