Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
"Eve's invisibility caused passive play, so we're going to make her invisibility passive except for close range, and give her a fuckton of buffs so the enemy will play less passively."

Riot logic. Flawless.

gg riot.

I see nothing wrong.

COMING IN NEXT PATCH: Soraka's ulti makes tower diving happen with practically no consequences, so we removed it.

Another great idea.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
"Eve's invisibility caused passive play, so we're going to make her invisibility passive except for close range, and give her a fuckton of buffs so the enemy will play less passively."

Riot logic. Flawless.

TBH Not scared of a stealth xin zhao.
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
Hey there, some of you may still recognize me as the gold ranked player that ignores all of your game invites.

Well I have good news, you will no longer be calling me that!

Instead, I am the platinum ranked player that ignores all of your game invites

Does 1600 count as gold
Originally Posted by Kryo View Post
Does 1600 count as gold

1500-1899 is gold



Here's a list of champs I'm convinced are OP that aren't popular at my elo. Just my opinion, but I am plat and you're not so yeah:

AP Nunu (top)

learn to play them optimally and abuse them for free elo gogogogogo
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
akali is really strong against low cc teams. Jayce is just... jayce too much utillity and a built in ghost.
Varus his ult mang... his ult...
ap nunu just kite all day with the recent buff
draven got dat global as well as infinite w steroid
udyr "i turtled and it was k"
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
except udyr's turtle stance shield was nerfed, so no, it wasn't k.
i want varus because his passive and he just seems fun

What's his Passive?

And have you guys heard of the new champ that's gonna come out? Zyra ?
Not sure how I feel about Eve's rework. I like the whole Shadow Walk passive idea (especially the increased mana regen), but it also kind of takes away some of the tricks I frequently use to get kills with her. I also don't like how her ult is now. Although it does make her more viable in team fights now. :3

Hate Spike will be awesome though. Her jungling will be more amazing as well. Great mobility and great stealth.

Dark Frenzy is like an epic QS sash.
Last edited by Muur; Jul 13, 2012 at 01:15 AM.
The comments on Zyra's artwork were all about her ass.
Aside from that, I think she will be cool. Might be a bit like morgana though.
daddy kill the spider