View Poll Results: Kto ma dzis odpasc??(z tych nie aktywnych)
1 Votes / 4.76%
2 Votes / 9.52%
2 Votes / 9.52%
5 Votes / 23.81%
2 Votes / 9.52%
9 Votes / 42.86%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll
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wiedziałem że to to

Ale myślałem że to banalne i nic nie mówiłem
Jakiego nicku na pewno nie wybierze żyd??? Gaziu
Made by Kolega1010
Widze sporo ty sucharów tak na podobiznę StrasznegoBurgera ._. Derp, iście Polski humor
I am A gitarguy
Enemy Request Thread
MrNorbert. Your member shike... used harmful words that I cant describe and that are meaningless, at a ingame recruitment server. I just wanted to go in to say hi to an old friend Gaziu and your little punny member here starts popping off with bad words and starts kicking me for no reason. Gaziu and I were talking and this guy just kicks me like nothing. I cant beleive you guys got members like this. SHAMEFUL
Also, shike if you see this? Pass me your skype. So we can talk in my way.
Add me: germanchoe
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020