My brain can't take memorizing all of these laws, articles, court provisions, constitutional amendments, congressional statutes, etc.

Any suggestions on how to ease even a minute amount of load off of the little ol' noggin'?
Feel you, know that feeling. Try exercise of any kind. It helps me to get the head clear for a while and restart fresh afterwards. This advice may be obvious, but it really helps
“War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.” - Winston Churchill
Thank you very much for advice, bigGrin!

I initially thought that it would be counter-intuitive, not to mention counter-productive, for a very mentally exhausted person to subject himself to even more exhaustion (but this time of the physical kind), but after doing a few repetitions of my standard gym exercise plan, I now feel significantly refreshed and rejuvenated.

That's some seriously effective shit right there, bro.
The "Summer expectations" part actually became a reality for me this past summer.

I was going to like, 2 to 4 beach parties in a day, almost everyday. My modest collection of swimwear couldn't keep up with the number of parties that I was almost constantly being invited to.

I knew forcing myself to get my supple Filipino ass off of my computer chair would pay off, and pay off IT DID.

Also, if only somebody could give me some free stuff, I could be like ... Tyzo, I guess.
Whenever I'm tired I just watch some LP on Yutub.
also, I party like that all the time.

PM me with any and all questions
Donate to me too pl0x. I'm as skint as ... well, Tyzo.

Come on, Vordred. I know your closeted feelings for me will prevail (to my benefit) in this situation.