I feel like this discussion about AP Yi has gone on far too long.
So I was playing ARAM the other day, and I got Rammus. I have no idea how to play Rammus. I bought him forever ago, played 1 or 2 games with him, and never touched him again. So I set out on a mission. My only goal this ARAM game was to reach maximum speed. My build was 4 phantom dancers, the red crown which active speeds the team up, and boots of mobility. The entire game I just spun right through the bridge, trying to avoid enemies and reach the other side.
They loved me. They all loved me. The enemies were inspired by my heroic actions and parted ways to let me pass. Oh it was glorious. Then someone on their team attacked me as I was spinning towards the end. He didn't stop getting yelled at the rest of the game.
Anyways, that fun story was an introduction to Rammus. During that game, I did get in one or two fights, and even with me having no idea what I was doing, and my horrible build, I still killed people easily. Rammus is easily one of the best natural tanks.