Secret Santa 2024
damn, I'm like the only one with a bad internet connection between my friends
I know that feel Sicks
I wish I had fiber optic shit here
I have great Internet speed, but no xbl or patience to get better at tb..
I don't want to view that pic :<.

Free temporary crunchy roll 2 days before I got fiber optic? This is godly, who is this.

i will give them money.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Originally Posted by Rolandman View Post
I don't want to view that pic :<.

Free temporary crunchy roll 2 days before I got fiber optic? This is godly, who is this.

i will give them money.

I'm surprised you didn't realize it was me who did it.
Now gimme my money!!
I don't |:

also hey sicks, nice avvy
I finished the first arkham game and now I'm playing the origins one
so fucking cool
it's also avaible on my language (portuguese, br) so <3 <3 <3
Oh nice. I started playing Arkham Asylum but I couldn't really get into it. Idk I just don't care for super hero games much.
Yo hug.
I haven't try Asylum, but I've finished City, will play Origin when I got time.
I'm back playing tb again just recently, met Roland and tsuki a few times too.
I started playing again because of the steam release. Made me miss it and i've got nothing else to play right now.

Also I hear origins sucks compared to Asylum and City. Knight looks quite epic though.