Name (Real name): Kobe (why even)
Gender: Male
Age: 10 (don't even)
Gmt: Till 11:00?
Belt: Blue (im really good
Why do you want to join: Cuz you guys are great and I like ducks
Past Clans: Moffia
Why did you leave your past clan?: I didn't it just happened
What can you offer? : Skills, Respect and being loyal (and a duck)
What underwear color?: yellow
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: Get a giant sword and cut the elephant's legs off
Invited by some one?: Nope
Special Skills?: Tricking and being funny
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: Once a polla time there was a duck. The End.
Sp/mp replays: I want to do only single player