there is a difference between asking for a rank up and asking how the rankings work. If you deserve a promotion, it will be noticed. ( at least 4 of us are watching how people act, respond, and post here in the forums and also how they act in game)
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,
commander of the Armies of the North,
General of the Felix Legions,
loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son,
husband to a murdered wife.
And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
Belt:Black Belt
Best mods:Wushu,Aikdio
Why you want to join:I want to join so i can help the clan get higher in ranks
Infractions:Never banned
you need more posts
you need replays
you need to be more imaginative on why you want to join
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,
commander of the Armies of the North,
General of the Felix Legions,
loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son,
husband to a murdered wife.
And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
Oopps I'm away 23-27th wik so it's only 2 days now
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,
commander of the Armies of the North,
General of the Felix Legions,
loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son,
husband to a murdered wife.
And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.