My friend was eagerly awaiting Zyra for a long time, and bought her the second she came out. Before going into a game and getting anally wrecked, we go to proving grounds on blind pick. I chose someone I was relatively new with, but have been having a lot of fun with as a mid.

Good ol' Gragas.

And as it would turn out, he is a perfect counter for her. Outranges her, does more damage, can dash away from nasty slowing plants, more sustain (barely though, because she has high sustain herself), and his ult counters hers in the sense of shoving her away from her plants so she can't follow up her no damage knock up.
daddy kill the spider
So. After playing about 6 ARAMs and getting Jarvan 3 times. I have come to the conclusion that he sucks there.

anyone that proves me wrong is nothing less than a God

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
So. After playing about 6 ARAMs and getting Jarvan 3 times. I have come to the conclusion that he sucks there.

anyone that proves me wrong is nothing less than a God

He's like all tanky dps in aram. Not good by himself, but combined with a somewhat competent team, his cc and tankiness can make the difference between a win and a loss. It's a boring, ungrateful position, but somebody occasionally gets stuck with it.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
>be ziggs
>Caitlyn in enemy team
>Team fight around ~22:00
>leave with 80 hp or something
>Caitlyn ultis our Pantheon (which has enough hp to survive the ulti)
>Pantheon flashes in front of me
>I die

<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Nocturne doesn't have a legendary skin.

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
Just wondering, what are you guy's favorite skins?

Brolaf and overlord malza
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3