Running, dancing, and slaming people
Are you Forum active (i am forum active just I lost my old forum acc.)
Are you Ingame active?
3-6 hours a day)
What is your best\favorite mod?: Ninjustu
Why should we pick you?: I'm hard to be taken down and I never back up from a fight even what the situation is, I go and do my best to try to win every fight I get in.
What do you have to offer this clan?: TC, and items and the right to make some head txts/avatars :P
Belt: custom (AKA Legendary Belt) but will change to SIN if I get in.
Age: 15
your favorite type of music?: Any
Bans or Infractions: none
Previous Clans: none
all the replays are single, I don't save much multiplayer lol. Everyone is there to see it :P
I just hope I get in.