Christmas Lottery
nice one matt, nice boom and chest hits, but i regret that u didn't do skeet by chest bodypart D:
8/10 from me
my fastest and smoothest splitcap, 6 frames lower and i'll be like Tamer0
Attached Files
!evil - cake is a lie.rpl (98.7 KB, 16 views)
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3
nice one^^ but u can see, its more about speed than style >.> ... anyways 7.9/10

also, the chest and the head touch at my replay xP
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
off-topic: I dont wanna be asshole or som,, but i found this from toriwiki
"Split: A split is a term used when you split uke in half. A split separates uke's lumbar to his neck from the rest of his body."

So split is between abs and lumbar but not between chest and lumbar :P.
end off-topic.

On-topic; Heres my entries to INA-replay event, decap by feet,hand and head.
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1_ups-kekkonen.rpl (154.0 KB, 16 views)
2ups_kekkonen.rpl (74.7 KB, 13 views)
3ups_kekkonen.rpl (105.9 KB, 17 views)
Do you know, how to do nothing and still think you're helping?
i wont let this thread die muhaha
1ups: wooow that was a fast and powerful one! the decap was pretty and the boom too. the third hit/where u kicked the chest wasnt that great imo, dunno why.pose also was nice. 8.9/10

2ups: nice dcap kick. replay was nice, but you shouldnt have touched uke that often before the finalkick. still 7.8/10

3ups: start was very symetrical, but headbutt decap made me lol. the core kick was cool too(coreboom-the manly split xD). nice roll and weird pose. 9.4/10

yep, im lazy but still.
Attached Files
3dog2-aperture_silence.rpl (171.7 KB, 16 views)
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
Great work. That arm-boom was somthing new to me. And i see you did that "nuthug"-pose too ;)
It works. 8.5/10


Here, somthing random, entries and etc.
Attached Files
kekko-behenit.rpl (128.7 KB, 22 views)
kekko-rotten.rpl (213.8 KB, 15 views)
kekko-Ugh.rpl (202.1 KB, 14 views)
kekko-one shot_one boom.rpl (215.5 KB, 12 views)
me like spin.rpl (262.8 KB, 9 views)
Do you know, how to do nothing and still think you're helping?
wow, is it just me or is this thread dying? it makes me really sad, cos this was once my favorite in here, but now that we dont really have sp players, i see this one dying...

feels sad, friends
but anyways,

sock(if you are here sometimes >.>) your replay was cool, fluent and a very nice decap :3 the only thing i didnt like that much was the loss of your hand but i still enjoyed 8.8/10

also my crappy newstuff...
Attached Files
3dog2-le_zerg.rpl (173.4 KB, 8 views)
3dog2-me_destroysta.rpl (133.1 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by threedog2; Oct 3, 2011 at 06:17 PM.
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
I just doing this for fun please Rate
Attached Files
#Trice Rapidly punch.rpl (111.8 KB, 9 views)
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you