Why should Death Plague consider you?:I think you should consider me because I am good at Wushu and somewhat at sparring.
Write one or two paragraphs about yourself.:Well my real name is david and I just started TB about 2 months ago. I am a green belt and am getting very good at wushu and sparring. Best mod:Wushu Referrals(who recommended you join this clan):no one How many times have you been banned or infracted:0 Previous Clans:none
Why did you leave/get kicked out of the clans?:0 Skills in TB community (Do you have anything else to add? Or special skills like making textures, video making, coding skills, etc.):I dont have any speciel skills at the time
and heres my cookie
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Last edited by SUPER02; Oct 21, 2011 at 12:45 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump