Secret Santa 2024
Ravioli is a type of Italian pasta that is made by sealing two layers of egg pasta dough, the fillings can vary from many different things and ravioli is usually topped off with a kind of broth or pasta sauce. I love Italian food and love ravioli.
what am i doing here
how are you supposed to know what's in the ravioli in the picture if the filling is inside? :v
what am i doing here
Get more active on #hitclan. It's not that hard to just be idling in there.

Webchat if you suck and don't want a client:

XChat is a free client:

Get the trial. It will nag you to buy it when you start it up but you don't have to.

Go go go, come party in #hitclan.
guys, when we will get our private board ?
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
When you all get active in IRC

Forgot to add, don't just do this:

*Waits a minute*

We don't just sit and watch IRC until someone talks. I do other things while on IRC, like type this.