I'm too afk, my internet company fucked us over. Apperently we used 3.5 gigabytes in like 2 hours, and all i was doing was playing tb. It's absolute bullshit, so i have to stay off for a while.
My computer may need to be rebuilt, so my computer will be in the shop for a little while longer.

I hope that they will save all of my data. :c
Oh man, lol, i think my computer is a great trash nut i can't rebuilt it ;-;

Just when it gets slow as fuck or when it get broken
RSO Teacher
I'm asking for Cash from my parents in regards to that christian celebration and whatnot that occurs soon. With said Cash I will attempt to build a computer. But Might buy something green that rhymes with Shmot instead. SAid parental units will ask where money went, and I will be something rhyming with Shmoned so I will just laugh then go eat Texas toast Chili Nachos. What are you people planning on asking for (if you still do that whole celebration thing)