Real Name: Joseph
Age: I am 10 years old atm.
Belt (3rd Dan Black Belt or higher): I'm actually exactly 3rd Dan. Lucky me.
Steam Name (optional): N/A
Skype Name (optional): fluttershy578
Why do you want to join (go into detail!): I would like to join this clan because I don't have one atm. Sadly, since I've been in a million and no one will accept me, I'm hoping you guys actually will. Also, since I am pretty bored and Clan League is coming, I feel like I need to quickly get in a clan, so I found you guys.
What can you offer WarHead? (Skills, Humor, art, etc... Please show proof of this! If it's "Humor", I want a really good joke.): Teaching a few moves in mods.
Something interesting about you: I've met a few famous toribashians. War_Hero is in a server right now! /jo tbradio
What aren't you... Tell us the things you absolutely aren't: Art, I can't make computer art AT ALL.
Do you know someone in the clan/recommended by someone?: Budsi
Previous clans?: [R] We died.
Time zone: GMT -6
Previous names/alt accounts?: I have a few, but I don't use them.
In-game activity on a scale of 1-10: 6
Forum activity on a scale of 1-10: 7
Please Type "WarHead is the best" as creatively possible 3 times: 弾頭は最高です 弹头是最好的 彈頭是最好的
Player card (optional... but recommended):
We require a minimum of 2 replays (at least 1 single player, more preferred). If your skill is ingame related, then post anywhere up to 7 replays.