alpha never dies, they're just veeeeeery inactive
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
hey guys i would like to join. I am a blue belt. I love to play judo, and i would like to join because i want to be in a GOOD clan. msg me back plz.

Hello people!
Name: Logan

Belt blue belt(dont judge me on belt)

Why I want to join: I have been rejected by two clans already and i want a clan that actually is nice to there to there members


Other clans: none. like ive said ive been rejected twice

Last edited by wizard; Apr 12, 2012 at 01:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
hi all
best mod: aikido,ABD,runkido,spar,running,lenshu,taekkyon,ni njitsu,wushu and rb_greykido
why you want to join in this clan: because it have a good forum and strong player
ingame activity: 10\10
forum activity:9\10
thanks for have read this app
Last edited by Assoi98; Sep 6, 2012 at 12:43 AM.
I Love Ferrari/Dubstep Music
If you want get in alpha you must be very cool in wushu
[TW T2RAFS] :: [ex-Leader of rb] :: [OoT] :: [Unibash] :: [RMO]
ex-Gamemaster :: ex-Moderator of russian sections :: ex-Clan council member
Need help with anything? PM me
Have a some problem with Tournament Bot - Lets me know

yeah i have forget wushu i'm good also in this mod
Last edited by Assoi98; Sep 6, 2012 at 11:44 AM.
I Love Ferrari/Dubstep Music