Hello, I'm a 15 year old male.
- QI and Belt (At time of application)I'm a 5th dan black belt with a QI of 5024. I should also say that i have been gone for a while, 6 months or so. Although i have always had a passion for this game, hence why i'm returning.
- Where do you live (GMT+?) I'm from Australia (The so called down under) The place where spiders grow to behemoth sizes. (GMT+10)
- What is your history in TB? (Clans, Infractions and anything else, feel free to add story) Made my account back in 2012. All the clans I've been in: Apex, X, Monk, MAU, Envy. There is more, i just don't remember them. (Not sure on how to check my history of clans) I'll now talk a little on why i left them and so on. I did get banned for a few days, this was due to a friend error, he believed i stole all his TB stuff but i was later allowed back to play as he cleared it up and said that he made the mistake and that it wasn't actually me.
Apex: Ok, I joined Apex a few years ago back when it was actually alive and number 1 on the rankings. I left after it died.
X: I think i was in this clan for about a day. I don't even know if it's around anymore. I joined when it was new and i left because... i can't remember why.
Monk: Monk was my favorite clan so far. It was fun, everyone was nice and had amazing skill. Yet, the same thing happened (The clan died) So, i left.
MAU: I only just left that one today, when i got back after my 6 month return it had turned out that around like, 70% of the clan was inactive. (I was part of that but i am back now and am no longer contributing. This may make me sound like a clan hopper (Leaving than putting in an app for a clan the same day). I just really like being part of a team. I personally wouldn't call myself a hopper although that decision is completely up to you.
Envy: I joined this when it was an amazing clan many years ago and simply like others... It just died out. Not much more to say.
- Personal Information: My name is Eric. I did boxing for around 4 years (Thinking of getting back into it). I'm like, 5'10 (Height). I have black hair.. Naturally (I didn't dye it) Or it's just immensely dark brown. I can get my L's this year, so that's pretty cool. I watch anime and play xbox.. quite a nerdy person. Also.. I have a very bad addiction to "xD" that laughing expression...
- How would you rate your Forum Activity? (1-10) Understanding that forums are a big part of a clan I've never really had anything to do with them. I do read them all the time but as for posting.. That's a very rare occasion. Rate: 2/10 (Posting) and a 9/10 (Viewing)
- How would you rate your In-Game Activity? (1-10) I am committed. "Ow, you're committed? Why did you leave for 6 months then?" I believe you will be asking yourself this question. Well, for some time i wanted to study, along with that my family have been adding some issues (Father going in and out of hospital) 9/10
- Do you pride yourself in Game or on the Forums? (Any Particular Skills?) Skills wise.. I think i am a little rusty to be honest. Coming back after a long gap certainly has its setbacks. I used to be a rather good player when it came to Aikido/ABD and Mushu/wushu. Those are my 2 main, i also did sparring for a little while (Nothing incredible with sparring but i had my moments) Also.. as for pride do you mean along the same lines as boasting about my skills? I've never done that.
I would have provided 3 replays.. although i deleted my toribash and all the files with it a while ago and when i re-downloaded they were all gone. So.. i don't have any proof. I could try and get you some if you would like?
- Competitive Mods? Aptitude outside of the game? I like Aikido, as i said.. i'v been gone. I don't know what they are anymore. I think one is Lengshu... or whatever it's called. I have played it a few times although i'm not amazing (Could certainly improve)
- If in Forums, please provide evidence of said skill for reviewing: In all honesty i don't fully understand what this means...
- Do you have Discord? If yes, please provide these. I do have discord, although every time i make an attempt to use it, it makes my internet speed drop down to around -8367342 TB a second. (Good pun if you ask me).
I don't know any of the fight club members.
OK.. i saw in your requirements and such that you can't have a template.. i copied and pasted all the requirements into my post then just answered them like that,, i don't know if that counts as a template.. sorry if it is.
Last edited by Tiger; Mar 26, 2017 at 12:47 PM.
Reason: Forgot to give my In-game activity rating.