Originally Posted by hoboguy88 View Post
If u want to join [HUNTERS] please fill this form:
Fav Mod:spiderwalk
Best Mod:n/a
GMT:half japanese, and american
Why u want to join:i want to join cuz its awesome
Past clan(s) if yes, give us the reason why you got kicked or left:i have not been in a clan yet
Msn Or Yahoo:[email protected]

You could post some replays.
Now, it's a no.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
No from me too,we accept minimum blue belts with exceptional ability,if we start making exceptions the system will fall apart /: Anyway,please post some replays and try to become blue and you'll have a chance
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Please fill out the form :
Fav Mod:
Best Mod:
Why u want to join:
Past clan(s) if yes, give us the reason why you got kicked or left:
Msn Or Yahoo:
Disclaimer : We don't take people who applied for other clans or are in another clan at the same time
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Also, if you get accepted, you have to be active in the forums (Checking our threads once a day and posting every once in a while will do).
hello im joaoorei im a little noob but i killed a lot of master sklled players i trying to get more tc to be good looking and strong`^^ i would like to get in the clan of hunter plz?
joaoorei , please fll out the :
Fav Mod:
Best Mod:
Why u want to join:
Past clan(s) if yes, give us the reason why you got kicked or left:
Msn Or Yahoo:
Disclaimer : We don't take people who applied for other clans or are in another clan at the same time
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
And if you do get accepted make sure you follow our clan rules:

Do not spam, or flame others.
Do not make your "teckst unnraedebil leik dis!!!1!"
Also, make sure you be active in the forums as well in game. Don't double post; use the edit button.

Failure to comply to these regulations will result in rejection of your application.