Frostfire Annie; because it's not reverse Annie. That one is just horrible.

But really, I gotta go with Galio's legendary.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Monarch Kog'Maw is the best around. And to all that say otherwise, my only response is...

nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Monarch Kog'Maw is the best around. And to all that say otherwise, my only response is...


i agree with this statement.
if we are talking about skins that i dont own: kitty kat katarina and haunting nocturne
if we are talking about skins that i own: maybe gentleman cho gath, i have quite a lot so its hard to choose.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Tomorrow is my LAN, exactly 12 hours from this post. I'll post a link when available.

EDIT: I think this is the link, but I'm not sure.
Last edited by Numbers; Jul 28, 2012 at 06:47 AM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Can't wait, Numbers.

For favorite skins?
-Grungy Nunu
-Lion Dance Festival Thing KogMaw
-Surprise Party Fiddles
-Dreadknight Nasus
-Mercenary Katarina
-Lil' Slugger Trundle (just for dat sexy bat)
-Gatekeeper Galio
-more I cant think of

I own about half of those. But just because I like the skin doesn't mean I like or would buy the champ.
daddy kill the spider
I played a couple games with some buddies on ventrillo. They're not that good, and some of them aren't level 30, so we get paired with some pretty bad players. So it lets me just fuck around and play champs I normally don't get to play.

So I played Draven.

I kinda lost control halfway through out of glee and started saying "DRAVEN DOES IT ALL" for everything and anything. Going to do dragon? DRAVEN DOES IT ALL. Got ganked in your jungle by 3 of the enemy team? DRAVEN DOES IT ALL. Enemy team has 5 and Draven is the only one left? DRAVEN DOES IT ALL. It reached the point where I was announcing when Draven was taking wraiths when I took over our jungle's jungle.

Also, correcting them whenever they said Draven with, "Not Draven, Draaaaavveeeeennnnn."

And giggling like a maniac when I melted their tankiest character, mumu, in virtually less than 5 seconds, while their most fed, rumble, was wailing on me. Then melting rumble in less than two seconds. All the while saying DRAVEN GIVES 0 FUCKS.

By the end of the games, I'm pretty sure they were sick and tired of Draven, because I said I was going to play him again and everybody collectively said something along the lines of "fuck no."

Good times :3
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games