Change the clan name.
Actually the leader of the clan Figh and the founder of the clan Took ( me ) have already decide to change the clan name. Both of us were disccusin in a server about what options can be selected by all of you guys.
Figh told me that tell him 2 ideas of names that I like then i decide.
The 2 names that i decide were:
Inception: Inception [Inc] [Incep] [Inception] tag can be changed.
and my other idea was:
Impact: [Im] [Imp] [Ima] [Impact] tag can be changed.
I decide to select these name because are like a fast and unexpected expresion.
The first idea come to my brain thinking in the world start and the Inception movie that was a fucking cool combination that i could not take out from my mind.
But the second oen was a little bid diferent cuz i was seeing all the dead clans and i saw some fucking cool names like Beta , Death, mMovie, etc. But in this moments something get in to me like somethings that Impact me. Thats the why of Impact clan name.
Figh had 2 diferent ideas from mine. His ideas were Alcon and G.E.O.F.
The reasons of his ideas come here:
Special group of federal operations G.E.O.F in spanis "Grupo Especial de Operaciones Federales" is a division of operations trained strategically t complete diferent operations against the narcotrafic and terrorism.
Halcon is something similar as G.E.O.F group.
Well figh and me decide to put 20k to change the name of the clan name is your time to make the donations. The money recolected from this thread will be used to make the clan private board.
Every person in the community can vote in this poll.
Halcon is like a similar group of the
Last edited by DarkScorpion; Feb 1, 2012 at 03:22 AM.