Sorry i havent been on my laptop is toast, but if anyone wants to play some MW2,Halo reach,Halo 3 just add my gamertag Baman00 with a msg saying who you are using your tb name.... Hope to get some friend requests.
Proud member of Drugged
Yeah, I was about to ask where you were. Haven't seen you for a while.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Get ingame then toon
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Well do not be bored! Do extreme parachuting in Fidel Castro´s Helicopter! Go rob the superbike from the Ghost Rider! Take lemos from a tree and make orangeade! (Do not ask me how), Or go to my link at the bottom for free prizes :3
I already got 7 points and can have a free 20$ Ps3 card :3
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
Dude, it's all fake! It's a SCAM. It's the internet, it doesn't give you free prizes!
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
I went ingame and link gets off and then end up in a call with Link and Kameron But then neither speaks. >.>
Did you configure you mic right? Apperently North Korea fired missles at america, it may just be WW3.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.