View Poll Results: Do you like me and want me to stay?
Yeah stay ur cool!
3 Votes / 50.00%
We love u!
3 Votes / 50.00%
Fag get out
0 Votes / 0%
Dont care about you leave
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 6. You may not vote on this poll
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well, icof has been through some hard time before, and we've always been able to make it through, leaving or not it's your choice ICOF4LIFE!!
Btw Imma go on the trip to go to the southern part of taiwan to visit grandparents so imma be off for... dunno like a week or two
5th Dan Blackbelt, Art Editing Skills
You need to have leadership, people are willing to follow you and you have to be trustworthy
Or you could create a clan with 50,000tc and make yourself leader, but you'd have to be a good leader in order to have members in your clan
5th Dan Blackbelt, Art Editing Skills
I actually think the ranks aren't very good, cuz they make a lot of members want to leave if they don't rank up, the ranking system should be simplified if we want to have them back
5th Dan Blackbelt, Art Editing Skills
Vamp says I would have to wait like 6 months to a year just to be a recruiter. so, just guess how long until a leader.
The fact that your asking implies to me that you aren't leader material, your asking for guidance, your more like a follower.
There is no guarantee that you ever could be leader... point will probably be here for a long time, and after him it will probably go to someone else. Think about all the people in the clan, with all of them your licky to have a 1-3% chance to be leader.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
i disagree, i figure that if they leave they aren't patient enough for icof, they should not join icof; a clan that implies a certain degree of patience if they cant stand to wait. also when the icof ranks forum is fixed i believe that ranking up will go alot faster.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Originally Posted by callisto1 View Post
well it seams like you all dont want me here because i post a thing where i thought i was leaving and i changed my mind so all i need it one post on there and ill stay.

im often taken in as an asshole but I'm not, I'm a realist and its my honest oppinion that we dont need people in Icof that are gonna post that they are leaving than decide not to and get all emotional because all the other members are too busy to see the post.

QFT (an abbreviation just recently learned)
Originally Posted by Vamp_09 View Post
I'm not too sure, it seems like if he has to wait for any amount of time he will just give up.
I dont think that Callisto is patient enough to be a part of icof, I dont think that he's willing to give Icof the time and care that it needs to thrive... He is active on the other hand, and that's something else that we need.
I say we add him under speculation that he may leave at any time.

its up to you wither or not you stay, and i hope you do, and that you grow to love icof for its great atmosphere, but if you decide it isnt your place thats cool too, I just wont be brought to tears if you do decide to go. (not yet anyways, maybe in time)
Technical Old School. - It exists.
I've been jumping on and off of the game for about a year now.

Now that the Wii version is out I am resurfacing.

The big differences I noticed are the force wii waggle thing. The physics seem differnt enough that you have to relearn your attacks.

ex. Classic snap kick, I just cant do in the wii version.

So the game for me in Judo on the wii has been forcing people to the ring.

FC = 0002 7767 9087
Name = Rathelfrog
group RAWR

Although I havent put the tag on the wii version yet.