If mid is getting 1v3'd I would push top turret. Or if the enemy top was still there I would just play the lane normally. You can't just surrender your turret for the sake of mid.
Also I haz 9 winstreak in ranked nao
1170 nao :3
Oracle is 1428 elo, and I agree with him.
Just played a game and went 24-3-10 as darius (typical darius score) and had two teammates that were level 20 "plotting revenge" on me, apparently the jax, who said he could beat any darius 1v1, was 2.5k elo and the xin who went 6-13-5 was 1.9k elo.
also apparently fiddlesticks is the #1 pick in ranked and nothing can counter him, ignite doesn't even lower his hp steal
i love pubs