Originally Posted by
If mid is getting 1v3'd I would push top turret. Or if the enemy top was still there I would just play the lane normally. You can't just surrender your turret for the sake of mid.
Depends on who's in the 1v3.
If it's like the jungler/top/mid then top and jungle better get their ass down to defend that shit. If not then the enemy team will
3 man push mid tower down
Take dragon since it'll be 5v4 since your top will still be trying to take tower
and knowing solo queue some members will actually fight that 4v5 and they'll get kills
If it's bot and mid doing the 1v3 pushing, then your bot pushing their bot tower is acceptable, but trading towers isn't necessarily something you want to do.
Also the real elo hell is high 17xx - low 19xx.
You're up to the point where you can't 1v5 carry anymore but you're still not quite there yet.
Last edited by 2worlds; Aug 6, 2012 at 10:38 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump