Originally Posted by RAMZIS View Post
So who is a feag? o_O

we are all faegs here.

Originally Posted by WuTangLee View Post

someone understands this.
so i hear that we are all inactive and lack anything interesting to say and spam random threads full of wibbly crap.
what do?

also, anyone know how long i have been with atlantic? i totally cant remember.
nevermind found it, 5th of the 5th 2010.
wow, thats been quite a while.
Last edited by FinalWish; Jan 27, 2011 at 03:54 AM.
Early December 2009 master race.
I actually joined atlantic before the dsc was created, recruited by Blackshark in a [Atlantic] betting server. True story, xeno was in the server too and stuff
I first joined when I was being all -omg u gaiz r ahswm- and Blackshark was like -thanks you wanna join- and then I was like -DO I!- and then I got kicked for inactivity and lameness. D': But then I rejoined when Finalwish said to re-apply. :D Then, while my skills had improved since before, I largely did nothing but contribute to conversations and discussions. The end. ;3;
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin