Name (in game):kilermvm
Belt:2nd dan
Favorite Mod (aikido, wushu, jousting, twinswords, tk, kickbox etc.):aikido and wushu
Activity-InGame/Forum (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW):high
Why do you wanna join? (put some effort into this):I could be talking a lot of things about me when I went many times I get a day, but I just wanted to talk to the MRF for me and several other person who is the best clan in the game and I wanted to get in as a great I hope that I accept. Thanks for reading my post
Are you respectful?:yes,logical
Do you swear overall loyalty?:yes i'am is faithful
Do you make textures?:no No I do know the texture of the head
How will you benefit the clan?:I'll enjoy in the clan as a recruiter in the game
Ban/Infraction History:i kick kila for offtopic
Anything else you want to add:I very much wanted to come because this clan is very good
Post One Replay of Yourself in Classic Mod: