Not to mention his slow is great in teamfights for funners or using it on a teammate for a speed boost, i'd play him alot but I don't really like squishy people early game.
Early game I just hang back and occasionally put a bomb on creeps/double bomb champions.

Also, putting bombs doesn't draw tower aggro (but the explosion does), so you can keep putting bombs on them when they're towerhugging, it's pretty great. Just had an epic game where I pretty much got a full build because my bombs got me way too many kills, was pretty funny.
Sup I started LoL today, so far I've played 3 matches and I found out I am pretty good with Rammus.
My in-game name is Ticzu.
[11:03] <Murmayder> I AM A WALRUS
add me to the list Xenox36 i aksed you too but i dont think u saw :/
My inability to use emoticons correctly is really getting me down :)